Trusted measurement for high range turbidity applications; simplified.
The new TL23 Series laboratory turbidimeters blend trusted technology and improved features to simplify testing in the most demanding industrial and wastewater applications.
Hach’s new TL23 lab turbidimeter brings a new face to the trusted legacy 2100N and 2100AN turbidimeters. It utilizes the same optic bloc while delivering an improved user experience with its intuitive interface, which ties perfectly to the rest of Hach’s laboratory instruments.
With their ratio technology, the TL23 labturbidimeters are ideal for industrial and other samples with a wide range ofturbidity. The main benefit of TL23’s ratio technology is that it helps to overcome the interference from large particles and color when measuring turbidity.
• Improved and intuitive design
• A smart device for more reliable measurements
• Easy to use. Easy to Be Right