SKU: EPP 4861000066
Eppendorf Xplorer® Electronic Single Channel Pipette w/Charging Adapter-EPP 4861000066
Pipette w/Turquoise multi-function rocker. For 10 mL tips Volume Range: 0.5 to 10 mL Volume: 1000 µL, 5000 µL, 10,000 µL Systematic Error: ±3.0%, ±0.8%, ±0.6% Random Error: ±0.6%, ±0.2%, ±0.15%$1,042.00Sales Unit: EACH
SKU: EPP 4861000058
Eppendorf Xplorer® Electronic Single Channel Pipette w/Charging Adapter-EPP 4861000058
Pipette w/Violet multi-function rocker. For 5 mL tips Volume Range: 0.25 to 5 mL Volume: 500 µL, 2500 µL, 5000 µL Systematic Error: ±3.0%, ±1.2%, ±0.6% Random Error: ±0.6%, ±0.3%, ±0.15%$1,042.00Sales Unit: EACH
SKU: EPP 4861000040
Eppendorf Xplorer® Electronic Single Channel Pipette w/Charging Adapter-EPP 4861000040
Pipette w/Blue multi-function rocker. For 1,000 µl tips Volume Range: 50 to 1000 µL Volume: 100 µL, 500 µL, 1000 µL Systematic Error: ±3.0%, ±1.0%, ±0.6% Random Error: ±0.6%, ±0.2%, ±0.2%$1,042.00Sales Unit: EACH
SKU: EPP 4861000031
Eppendorf Xplorer® Electronic Single Channel Pipette w/Charging Adapter-EPP 4861000031
Pipette w/Orange multi-function rocker. For 300 µl tips Volume Range: 15 to 300 µL Volume: 30 µL, 150 µL, 300 µL Systematic Error: ±2.5%, ±1.0%, ±0.6% Random Error: ±0.7%, ±0.3%, ±0.2%$1,042.00Sales Unit: EACH
SKU: EPP 4861000023
Eppendorf Xplorer® Electronic Single Channel Pipette w/Charging Adapter-EPP 4861000023
Pipette w/Yellow multi-function rocker. For 200 µl tips Volume Range: 5 to 100 µL Volume: 10 µL, 50 µL, 100 µL Systematic Error: ±2.0%, ±1.0%, ±0.8% Random Error: ±1.0%, ±0.3%, ±0.2%$1,042.00Sales Unit: EACH
Sales Unit: EACH
Sales Unit: EACH
Sales Unit: PACK
Sales Unit: PACK
SKU: EPP 022291301
Eppendorf® Maxipettor®-EPP 022291301
Starter Kit -100 Maxitips S, 10 dispensing parts, 10 valves, 2 Maxitips G$269.00Sales Unit: EACH
Sales Unit: EACH
Sales Unit: EACH