Narrow-Mouth Bottle PTFE, FEP. Nalgene-NALGE 1600-0004

Nalgene (Thermo Scientific)

Sales Unit:
Cap. (mL/oz): 125/4
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Narrow-Mouth Bottle, PTFE FEP. ETFE screw closure. The most chemical-resistant, corrosion-resistant containers available. These autoclavable bottles give you clarity and outstanding resistance to virtually all chemicals and extreme temperatures. Excellent for high and low-temperature work, trace metal analysis and many applications with organic solvents. For high-purity analysis or storage, these bottles can be rigorously cleaned in boiling nitric acid. Bottles with closure withstand temperatures from -105°C to +150°C. Packaged individually. Before autoclaving, just set cap or closure on top of the container without engaging the threads.