Nunclon MicroWell Plates-NUNC 263339

Nunc (Thermo Scientific)

Sales Unit:
Size: 86 x 128 mm Description: Lid for 96 Well Plt Clr w/Condensation Rings NS PS
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Plates are made from Nunclon for exceptional optical clarity and have special surface treatment ensuring optimal cell attachment and growth. Plates fit easily into the range of ancillary equipment already available (e.g. shakers, automatic pipette dilution machines) The flat bottom 96 well plate has raised wells ensuring uniform well bases and excellent optical quality. The design also permits individual numbering of the wells under the microscope. On the round bottom 96 well plate, each well has a raised rim. This serves the purpose of helping to prevent cross contamination when using a lid, and in addition, providing excellent attachment for an adhesive film, if required. The lid, which has a 6mm edge is also supplied separately. In addition to the 96 well plates, 60 and 72 well MicroWell Plates (Terasaki) are offered. These also fit into the dilution machines already available on the market.