PYREXPLUS Heavy Wall Graduated Filtering Flasks w/Protective Coating-CGW 65340-1L


Sales Unit:
Cap. (mL): 1000 Stopper No.: 8
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These PYREXPLUS®-coated heavy wall flasks have a protective PVC coating for longer product life and safety. Protective coating helps prevent glass from shattering and reduces spills. Autoclavable (121°C) and resistant to thermal shock. For convenience, the flasks are graduated to show approximate capacity. Tubulation O.D. is 10mm on sizes up thru 1000mL. Tubulation O.D. is 12.5mm on 2000 and 4000mL sizes. The tubulation is not coated to allow easy connection of standard size tubing. Covered by U.S. Patent# 4940613.