Make those scribbled, hard-to-decipher records on scratch paper a thing of the past. Traceable® ten-memory data-log waterproof thermometer captures ten temperature readings, stores them in memory, and recalls them on command. No paper needed. Covers 99 percent of routine temperature measurements: ‚Äì58 to 572°F and ‚Äì50 to 300°C. Resolution is 0.1° from ‚Äì20 to 200° (1° outside this range). Accuracy is ¬±1°C between ‚Äì20 and 100°C. Reading updates every second. Perfect for food, agricultural, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical applications. Waterproof construction allows use in wet labs, wash-down areas, and outside. Bold digits (1/2-inch- high) are easy to read. Features include °F/°C switch, minimum and maximum memory readings over any time period, HOLD switch (freezes the display to capture temperature to memory), and 10 memories. Both high and low audible alarm may be programmed in 1° increments. Sounds 4 seconds every minute until temperature returns to in-range reading or alarm-off is pressed. To assure accuracy an individually serial-numbered Traceable® Certificate is provided from the manufacturer's ISO 17025 calibration laboratory accredited by A2LA. It indicates traceability to standards provided by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). Stainless-steel probe has a 1/4-inch diameter, 7-1/2-inch overall length, and 22-inch cable. Cable stores in case. Shock-resistant ABS plastic case is 6-5/8 inches high by 2- 7/8 inches wide by 1-inch deep. Weight is 4 ounces. Silver-oxide battery supplied. Replacement battery Cat. No. CON1039.