Traceable® Rh Meter with Dew Point-TRACEABLE 98766-88

Control Company (Traceable)

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Traceable® Rh Meter with Dew Point
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Compact design features an electronic capacitance polymer film sensor not affected by condensation. Unit may be used in 100% humidity. Relative humidity range is 0 to 100.0% with a resolution of 0.1% and an accuracy of ¬±3% RH mid-range to ¬±4% RH elsewhere. Both dew point and temperature ranges are ‚Äì20.0 to 50.0°C and ‚Äì4.0 to 122°F with a resolution of 0.1° and an accuracy of ¬±1°C. Full range response is 30 to 60 seconds. To assure accuracy an individually serial-numbered Traceable® Certificate is provided from the manufacturer's ISO 17025 calibration laboratory accredited by A2LA. It indicates traceability to standards provided by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). At the press of a button, unit recalls minimum/maximum readings. HOLD button freezes the display to record a reading. Dual display shows relative humidity with either dew point or temperature on a 3/4-inch-high LCD. Rugged ABS plastic case is 6-1/2 x 2 x 2/3 inches; weight is 3 ounces. Supplied with a Traceable® Certificate and two AAA batteries. Replacement battery Cat. No. CON1105.