Whatman Mini-UniPrep Syringeless Filters w/Slit Septa-CYTIVA US203NPEPP


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Pore Size (µm): 0.2 Filter Media: PP
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The Whatman Mini-UniPrep™ Syringeless Filters, now with a new durable plastic cap, provide a faster, easier way to remove particulates from samples being prepared for High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) analysis. Slit septum cap enables Mini-UniPrep use with current robotics on HPLC instruments for high throughput automation. Septa are PTFE coated silicone rubber. Mini-UniPrep lets you prepare samples in one third the time required by other methods. Add up the time savings, plus the money saved from cutting multiple consumables out of the sample preparation process and you'll see huge benefits for your lab. Mini-UniPrep is a pre-assembled filtration device consisting of a 0.5mL capacity chamber and a plunger. The plunger contains a filtration membrane at one end and a pre-attached cap/septum at the other. The plunger is pressed through the sample in the outer chamber and positive pressure forces the filtrate into the reservoir of the plunger. Air escapes through the vent hole until the locking ring is engaged providing an air-tight seal. Within seconds the Mini-UniPrep can be placed into any approved autosampler for injection into your instrument. The device can be used either manually or with one of the compressor units available. The Mini-UniPrep device is designed to fit into any autosampler that accommodates 12 x 32mm vials. Alternatively the septum can be pierced with a needle and the sample drawn off for manual injection into an analyzer.