YSI 5120 BOD Analyst for Windows®-YSI 625120

YSI, Inc.

Sales Unit:
Model No.: 5120 Description: BOD Analyst™ Pro for Windows®
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Save time and ensure data integrity with BOD Analyst for Windows, a user-friendly, flexible way to automate BOD calculations. This exclusive software captures first and fifth day results, performs calculations, and prints reports. Conforms to Standard Methods Rules. Windows-based format. Allows export of data to other programs, including Lotus, dBase, Excel, and any LIMS. Reduces error by letting you set alarms for out-of-range temperatures and super-saturated samples. BOD analysis is even easier when you add a bar code reader. One swipe of the reader records the BOD bottle number, DO concentration, temperature, and time of day. Option: O5376-2 (YSI 5015) Handheld Bar Code Scanner to automate entry of bottle numbers.