SKU: GLB 3617
Weighing Boat, Plastic, Hexagonal-GLB 3617
Weighing Boat, Plastic, Hexagonal, Antistatic, PS, White, Large, 200mL$132.33Sales Unit: BOXES
SKU: GLB 3616
Weighing Boat, Plastic, Hexagonal-GLB 3616
Weighing Boat, Plastic, Hexagonal, Antistatic, PS, White, Medium, 50mL$76.50Sales Unit: BOX
SKU: GLB 3615
Weighing Boat, Plastic, Hexagonal-GLB 3615
Weighing Boat, Plastic, Hexagonal, Antistatic, PS, White, Small, 20mL$55.00Sales Unit: BOX
Sales Unit: CASE
Sales Unit: CASE
Sales Unit: CASE
Sales Unit: CASE
Sales Unit: CASE
SKU: GLB 3480B
EZ-Rate ESR pipettes-GLB 3480B
ESR: EZ-Rate Westergren Pipette, 200 Tests/Box, 10 Boxes/Unit (For use with 13mm Blood Collection Tube)$1,967.51Sales Unit: CASE
SKU: GLB 3480
EZ-Rate ESR pipettes-GLB 3480
ESR: EZ-Rate Westergren Pipette, 200 Tests (For use with 13mm Blood Collection Tube)$200.10Sales Unit: PACK
SKU: GLB 3479
EZ-Rate ESR pipettes-GLB 3479
ESR: EZ-Rate Westergren Pipette, 100 Tests (For use with 13mm Blood Collection Tube)$107.84Sales Unit: PACK
Sales Unit: PACK