Sales Unit: EACH
SKU: OAK 35618-05
PH/CON 510 pH/mV/Conductivity/TDS/Temperature Meter. Oakton-OAK 35618-05
Temperature Probe. For Use with pH Probes w/o ATC$92.10Sales Unit: EACH
SKU: OAK 35617-50
Accessories for Benchtop pH/mV/Ôæ∞C Meter, pH 510. Oakton-OAK 35617-50
Benchtop Electrode Holder (5-Place). 360° Pivot$127.50Sales Unit: EACH
SKU: OAK 35615-09
Oakton® CON 110 Standard Meter-OAK 35615-09
RS-232 cable, 9 pin Male to 9 pin Female$150.00Sales Unit: EACH
Sales Unit: EACH
SKU: OAK 35614-90
Oakton Waterproof pH 150 Meter. Best value for an IP67-rated waterproof meter-OAK 35614-90
pH 150 Meter Kit$1,197.33Sales Unit: EACH
Sales Unit: EACH
SKU: OAK 35613-80
Oakton® Ion 6+ pH/Ion/mV/Temp. Meter-OAK 35613-80
Ion 6+ Meter with ATC probe, rubber boot, and batteries$809.00Sales Unit: EACH
SKU: OAK 35613-54
Oakton® pH 5+ and 6+ Meters-OAK 35613-54
pH 5+ Meter kit with "All-in-one" pH electrode, pH buffer solutions, sample bottles, rubber boot, batteries, and carrying case$635.00Sales Unit: EACH
SKU: OAK 35613-52
Oakton® pH 5+ and 6+ Meters-OAK 35613-52
pH 5+ Meter w/single-junction, sealed, epoxy-body electrode, ATC probe, rubber boot, and batteries$539.00Sales Unit: EACH
SKU: OAK 35613-50
Oakton® pH 5+ and 6+ Meters-OAK 35613-50
pH 5+ Meter with ATC probe, rubber boot, and batteries$433.00Sales Unit: EACH
SKU: OAK 35613-20
Oakton® pH 5+ and 6+ Meters-OAK 35613-20
pH 6+ Meter with ATC probe, rubber boot, and batteries$496.00Sales Unit: EACH